
Part of eating mindfully is taking time to notice the taste and texture of your food as you chew. Getty Images

As popular as diets are, they aren't always sustainable or holistically healthy, including emotionally. They often come with a long list of rules and, by some measures, can encourage self-punishing habits. If you've had this experience, here's some welcome news: There’s a real movement toward nondiet approaches.

“人们厌倦了剥夺,尤其是因为从长远来看,极端饮食永远不会起作用。我认为,正念饮食和采取更温和的健康饮食对千禧一代和年轻人更具吸引力饮食文化。”Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, a nutrition expert and author of冰沙计划。“It’s time for something different.”

正念饮食是一种可以为您提供替代的方法时尚饮食那是不可持续的,不健康的或根本不愉快的。While the point may be slowing down and savoring your food, the overarching message is that it’s possible to love what you eat and prioritize nutrition to feel good — and live a more fulfilling life not subject to guilt, judgment, or restriction associated with food choices.

Here's what you need to know about mindful eating, the health benefits you may garner from this approach, and how to get started if you’re a beginner.



在某种程度上,您专注于饮食和味道的味道,但在做冥想时也会引起您的身体感觉。“正念饮食正在您的身体和整个饭中检查。”詹妮弗·巴诺德(RD), at the University of Texas in Austin. While mindful eating is often tied to eating with no distractions, she says that it’s still possible to be present and pay attention to your food even if you’re leisurely checking email or watching TV — a point that makes it feel more doable for more people.


Even if you don’t go all-in with mindful eating, adopting some of the principles of slowing down and tuning into your body can improve your health and the way you feel in your body. Here’s why:

  • Better DigestionLargeman-Roth说,当您放慢脚步时,您会正确咀嚼食物,这将使消化食物更容易。
  • More Nutritious Meals“When you check in with your body and your enjoyment of the meal, you get really great positive feedback,” says Barnoud. Eat more nutrient-packed meals and you’ll feel more energized. Quickly eat fast-food and you may notice you feel sluggish and肿了。This awareness serves as reinforcement to make healthier choices next time, too. “When we eat more nutritionally dense foods and meet our nutrient needs, we feel it,” she says.
  • 更高的满意度拉尔格曼·罗斯(Largeman-Roth)说,急于完成盘子意味着您甚至可能不记得食物的风味和质地 - 可以使您更加满意的因素。
  • A Healthier Food Relationship正念的饮食并不是要缓慢咀嚼或在饥饿和饥饿时检查一下。它比这更深。拉格曼·罗斯(Largeman-Roth)说:“通过做诸如镀我们的食物,对种植食物的农民或烹饪的人的感激之情,我们希望与食物建立更健康的关系。”
  • Improved Cardiometabolic HealthMindful or intuitive eating has been shown to improve blood sugar levels in pregnant women, lipids and blood pressure in adults who are overweight, and inflammatory markers in postmenopausal women versus people who didn’t take this eating approach, according to a review of 10 studies.



Not necessarily. This approach is often billed as the “hunger-fullness” diet, with the idea being that eating only when hungry and stopping when full will prevent overeating and therefore help you lose weight. But Largeman-Roth has had clients who have gained and those who have lost weight. Also, research results vary on whether mindful eating approaches can help you shed pounds.



A more positive review and meta-analysis of 18 studies involving mindfulness-based therapies found that the average weight loss was about seven pounds over four months. Traditional diet and exercise programs spurred more weight loss compared with mindfulness, though those who used mindfulness continued to slightly lose weight after the study, while those using the traditional methods gained a small amount. The authors say the results suggest that mindfulness may be better for promoting long-term weight loss compared with traditional饮食计划





此外,正念饮食是无判断的,因此可以帮助消除食用这种食物的道德。Barnoud解释说,由于限制较少 - 身体或心理学(认为您不应该吃东西) - 您可以恢复任何失去的身体信任,以帮助您改善与食物的关系。


Not really. But one thing to keep in mind: Mindful eating often requires time and the availability to sit with your meal and pay attention — sometimes you’re not in a place in your life where that’s doable. If you have young kids, that might not be feasible, says Largeman-Roth. You might feel pressure to do this practice perfectly, though that’s certainly not the goal.





  • 呼吸和腹部检查让自己安顿在饭菜中。坐在桌子旁,深呼吸五个。
  • 评估拍打着您的食物,并注意诸如颜色,形状和气味之类的东西。
  • 慢下来Rather than eating quickly, move slowly (put your fork down between bites) to experience the textures and tastes of the meal.
  • 调查你饿了吗?满的?在整餐过程中与自己一起检查。如果您还饿了,请继续吃饭;如果不是,请允许自己完成盘子上留下的所有东西。
  • C彻底说这将帮助您更好地品尝食物并减慢您的速度。
  • 品尝Let your snack or meal bring you joy. Take time to relish the tastes and experiences of the meal (are you enjoying it in the company of loved ones or quietly dining alone?) and think about how your food choices are also honoring your body and giving it what it needs in the moment.



Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  • Hayashi LC,Benasi G,St-Onge MP等。直观和正念饮食以改善生理健康参数:干预研究的简短叙述性综述。Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine。2021年12月。
  • Tronieri JS, Wadden TA, Pearl RL, et al. Mindful Eating, General Mindful Awareness, and Acceptance as Predictors of Weight Loss.Mindfulness。2020年12月。
  • Artiles RF,Staub K,Aldakak L等。正念饮食和常见的饮食计划较低体重:系统评价和荟萃分析。肥胖评论。August 2019.
  • CarrièreK,Khoury B,GünakMM,KnäuperB。基于正念减肥的干预措施:系统评价和荟萃分析。肥胖评论。February 2018.
  • Mercado D, Robinson L, Gordon G, et al. The Outcomes of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Appetite。November 2021.
  • 基本of Mindful Eating.心灵饮食中心。2017.
  • 暴饮暴食障碍的定义和事实。国家糖尿病与消化和肾脏疾病研究所。May 2021.