


7 Budget Friendly Tips For Booking Your Next Staycation


There’s lots of evidence thattaking time off, whether it’s a few hours, a weekend, or a longer amount of time, is really important for well-being. Research suggests taking vacations is linked to better health outcomes, like lower rates of heart disease; reduced stress, depression, and anxiety; improved productivity; and overall higher life satisfaction,根据美国心理协会

So, what are you to do when you’re in need of a vacation (from work, personal responsibilities, or just the day-in-day-out routine), but can’t get away because of your budget, a partner’s or other family members’ schedules, or pandemic travel restrictions?


“住宿的想法是,如果您要去某个地方旅行,请做所有您将要做的事情,但要找到将这些经验纳入自己家中的方法。”凯瑟琳·桑德森(Catherine A. Sanderson),博士, the author ofThe Positive Shift和chair of the psychology department at Amherst College in Massachusetts. Re-creating those relaxing vacation vibes at home can help decrease stress and strengthen your mental well-being, she adds.

找到现在“逃脱”的机会尤其重要 - 至少远离我们的常规和潜力bepaly开户 of day-to-day life. After all, for many, our homes have been working double- or even triple-duty as offices, day-care centers, schools, and gyms of late, Dr. Sanderson says. You may find yourself associating your home spaces with chores, stress, and work deadlines. Injecting some fun and relaxation into your home is the perfect way to dial back some of those negative associations and make your home feel like home again.

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And if you’re taking extra steps to limit COVID-19 exposure right now (because of more contagious variants, your personal risk level, unvaccinated members of the family, or any other reason), taking a staycation rather than traveling can definitely help with that goal. For the time being, staycations are still the safest way to get leisure off-time, saysSanam Hafeez,Psyd,纽约市的有执照的心理学家和综合咨询心理服务主任。

While you may not be able to match a relaxing island getaway or a couple's trip to Paris, you can do the next best thing: Turn your home-office-gym-day-care center into a自我护理避风港。

Bonus: Staycations tend to beway比其他类型的度假胜地更实惠。

以下是创建住宿的几种想法,无论您必须花多少时间或现金,都会让您感到精神焕发 - 没有压力。

Try camping in your backyard. Or bring your dream vacation destination to you by trying a new cuisine. Louise Beaumont/Getty Images



Or spend a day teaching yourself how to do the perfect manicure and pedicure, detoxifying facial, or exfoliating body scrub.

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在您自己的附近,有很多好地方可以看到。桑德森说:“这么多人不欣赏周围的事情。”花一天(或周末)探索您的城镇,并参观您从未去过的任何旅游景点,公园和当地企业。家人中的每个人都可以轮流选择您去的地方以及您做什么。(做wear your face masks和practice social distancing.)

参观公园等绿色空间以增加好处:study published in June 2016 inScientific Reports发现在绿色空间中度过时光的人通常具有较低的高血压和抑郁症的速度。


日常的mindfulness meditation就像一个迷你住宿一样,可以帮助您清除头脑,并将意识带回现在,从而使您与周围发生的一切都急需休息。“这是没有什么必须完成的时候,没有任何火要扑灭。每本发送的电子邮件仍将在稍后到达,因为生活不仅要完成杂务。”Karen Dobkins,博士,一位正念顾问和圣地亚哥分校的心理学教授。


此外,练习正念不仅会降低压力和焦虑,还可以帮助您在将来更好地处理压力事件。study published by theInternational Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resiliencein 2017。其他研究发现正念干预帮助医疗工作者降低倦怠的高度COVID-19 pandemic,根据study published in January 2021 in the journal全球卫生和医学进步

How long you spend practicing mindfulness is less important than how committed you are in the moment, Dr. Dobkins says. In other words, five minutes of dedicatedmindfulness meditation可能会比一个小时的分散冥想做得更多。因此,请为您和您的日程安排留出合理的时间,并通过将自己关闭在可以练习正念而不会中断的房间中来保护这段时间。

有关的:7 Different Types of Meditation

4. Bring Your Vacay Destination to You

Is your life bucket-list trip to Italy not going to happen this year? Bring Italy to you, Sanderson says. Play Italian music, watch a movie or show based in Italy, eat Italian food, and drink Italian wine. If you have some extra cash — as in, the cash you were going to spend on your trip — import goods straight from Italy. Wherever you'd like to escape to, try to re-create the environment as closely as possible. “Small shifts in the environment can have a major impact,” Sanderson says.


休假的最佳部分之一是与工作文本,电话和电子邮件断开连接。但是当您被困在家里时,很难逃脱那些bepaly开户 - 尤其是如果人们知道,每当出现问题或危机时,他们仍然可以与您联系。

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If you have someone filling in for you at work or helping out with the kids, elderly parents, or pets, make sure they have all the support they need; and get in touch only if or when there’s a real emergency.




