The Facts About Female Hormones

You blame your bad moods on your hormones — but how much do you really know about them? Get the scoop on estrogen, progesterone, and more.

Medically Reviewed


In women, female hormones are key components of reproduction,性和整体健康和幸福。


But if you have a good understanding of the role female hormones play, you will be better equipped to recognize abnormal hormonal imbalances and deal with the natural decline in female hormones that occurs with age.

Here’s a quick rundown — your ovaries, the organs that release an egg during ovulation, produce female hormones; the two main hormones are estrogen and progesterone.

The levels of both estrogen and progesterone drop off pretty dramatically after a woman stops ovulating at menopause, but the decline in estrogen is what’s responsible for most classic更年期症状

Estrogen: The Hormone Behind Your Period

Estrogen is the female hormone that fluctuates over the course of a woman’s menstrual cycle. A gradual rise in the level of estrogen in the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle — called the follicular phase of the cycle — is what causes women to build up a uterine lining each month in preparation for pregnancy, and a drop in estrogen (and progesterone) is what causes women to have a menstrual period each month.

Estrogen is also an important factor in maintaining women's bone and cardiovascular health.

女孩开始在青春期产生雌激素,雌激素的产量随着女性的年龄而下降,直到她做得不足以使子宫衬里增厚并具有月经期。除了月经结束,有些迹象很低雌激素水平are hot flashes andvaginal dryness



During a woman's childbearing years, progesterone levels rise during the second half of her menstrual cycle, after the monthly egg is released from her ovary. If she becomes pregnant, the progesterone level continues to rise, and helps keep the uterine lining thick for the developing baby. If she does not become pregnant,孕酮水平fall, signaling the body to shed the uterine lining during menstruation.

If you have not had your uterus surgically removed (子宫切除术),您有HRT,您的医生可能会建议您除了雌激素外服用孕激素,以防止子宫内衬太厚,以降低子宫内膜癌的风险。

孕酮虽然对繁殖至关重要,但有时在月经期之前的最后两周为女性产生烦人的症状。这些症状包括bloating, breast tenderness, and粉刺。有时,身体症状和情绪变化的结合在月经前一周定期发生;这通常称为经前综合症,或PMS。PMScan often be managed by lifestyle changes — like exercising and eating a healthy diet — and over-the-counter medications, such as Motrin, Advil, or Midol Cramp (ibuprofen) and Aleve (萘普生)。


另一种激素,睾丸激素,女性的生产量很低,但通常被认为是雄性激素。睾丸激素水平升高可能会引起病毒性症状 - 这意味着可能发生某些男性身体特征,例如异常,男性头发生长模式。

If your睾丸激素水平异常高,可能是健康状况的标志:



The hormone known as人绒毛膜促性腺激素, or hCG, is produced by the placenta of pregnant women. In fact, hCG is the hormone that is detected by a怀孕测试确认怀孕。在怀孕初期,HCG有助于维持黄体,这是卵巢释放后产生孕激素的一部分。HCG的水平增加直到妇女怀孕约10周,然后在整个怀孕的其余部分中慢慢下降。HCG通常仅由孕妇产生,但也可能是由具有某些健康状况的人(例如生殖细胞肿瘤和滋养细胞疾病)产生的,这种疾病是一种罕见的疾病,其中肿瘤在细胞中生长,否则会在胎盘中生长。

If you have concerns about your hormone levels, talk with your doctor. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a simpleblood testto determine if your hormones are out of whack. Or she may refer you to an endocrinologist, a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and managing disorders that involve your hormones.