
Understand the risk factors associated with these five cancers and you'll be taking the first step to minimizing your personal risk.

Medically Reviewed
了解您可以采取的预防措施来降低癌症风险。 istock.com

A癌症诊断通常与家族病史,生活方式选择或环境中的某些东西有关。尽管您无法控制自己的家族史或整个环境,但健康的生活方式习惯,例如良好的饮食,定期体育锻炼,体重控制和quitting smoking如果您容易照亮,则全部都在您的控制之内。

“Risk factors are individualized, but it’s important to know that there are things you can do to lower your risk,” says Daniel McFarland, DO, a medical肿瘤学家在纽约市纪念斯隆·凯特林癌症中心的胸肿瘤科服务中,中心医学系的讲师。

Given that approximately 852,630 women are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in 2017 — and approximately 282,500 women are expected to die from the disease, according to estimates published in the美国癌症协会(ACS)发表的“癌症事实和数字2017”报告— understanding your risk factors and learning what you can do to modify them is key.

“有时候,这取决于简单的事情,例如重新涂抹防晒霜预防皮肤癌如果您待了一段时间,” McFarland博士说。他建议根据您的家族史和生活方式与您的医生谈论您自己的风险因素。知道自己所面对的事情可以帮助您制定一个计划,以制定可能需要得到的筛查(以及何时),哪些饮食变化可以使您受益,以及更多的东西 - 全部为您个性化。他说:“修改一件事可能对一个人有帮助,但不一定对别人有帮助。”


1. Breast Cancer

乳腺癌is expected to account for 30 percent of female cancer cases and 14 percent of the 282,500 female cancer deaths projected for 2017. A woman’s odds of getting breast cancer are 1 in 8.

While there’s no one definitive way to prevent breast cancer — and many risk factors are beyond your control — being aware of the following most common risk factors can help you deal with those thatare在您的控制中。

  • Being a woman乳腺癌is about 100 times more common in women比男人。
  • 年龄三分之二的侵入性乳腺癌女性为55岁或以上。
  • Family history如果您的母亲,妹妹或女儿患有乳腺癌,您的风险将增加一倍。如果两个直接的亲戚有两位,您的风险将增加两倍。麦克法兰说:“筛查指南有所不同,因为家族史有所不同,因此请与您的医生谈谈最适合您的事情。”
  • 你的基因5%至10%的乳腺癌被认为是由特定的基因突变是遗传性的,BRCA1和BRCA2是与该疾病有关的最常见突变。
  • 种族白人妇女比非裔美国人更容易患乳腺癌,但是非裔美国妇女更有可能死于乳腺癌,部分原因是其肿瘤可能会更快地生长,并且出现在更高级的阶段。
  • 致密的乳房组织More fibrous and glandular tissue rather than morefatty tissue- 由于年龄,更年期状态,某些药物,怀孕和遗传学 - 可以增加乳房癌症风险最多双重,可以使早期癌症在mammogram更加困难。
  • 先前对胸部的辐射处理Women who were previously treated for another cancer have a higher risk of breast cancer, particularly if they got the treatment when their breasts were still developing.
  • 月经期的平均数量大于平均数(12岁之前的月经发作,更年期在55岁之后的发作)稍微增加了风险。
  • No pregnancies or a late first pregnancy(30岁以后)最小化会增加总体风险,尽管怀孕可能会增加特定乳腺癌亚型的风险,例如三阴性疾病。
  • 避孕药然而,一名妇女停止服用药物后,风险水平似乎可以追溯到正常的10年。
  • 过去用二乙基贝特罗(DES)治疗,一种曾经用来预防流产的药物会轻度增加乳腺癌的风险。
  • Post-menopausal hormone therapy避免这种疗法会降低您患乳腺癌的风险。
  • 不母乳喂养may slightly increase breast cancer risk.
  • 超重(particularly after menopause) increases risk. McFarland says that working with a nutritionist to see how you can modify your diet may help you lose weight and reduce that risk. In addition, shedding pounds can reduce the amount of雌激素; breast cancer feeds on estrogen, and this hormone is more plentiful in people who are obese.
  • 缺乏运动has been linked to a higher risk of breast cancer, so if you’re relatively sedentary, aim to move more. “You can’t go wrong with exercise,” says McFarland. “We’re getting close to having more data about that, and it all seems very encouraging.”
  • 大量饮酒与非裁缝相比,每天喝一杯饮料的女性患乳腺癌的风险很小,而每天有两到三杯饮料的女性患这种疾病的风险高20%。
  • 红肉消耗has also been tied to breast cancer, though researchers aren’t sure if it can actually cause the disease, McFarland says. Consider eating more white meat and seafood if you’re at risk.


Lung and bronchus cancers预计2017年将占女性癌症病例的12%和25%的女性癌症死亡。肺癌是17分之一。

看看被诊断出患有这种癌症的人的死亡人数的百分比表明肺癌是多么致命。尽管乳腺癌在女性中比肺癌更为普遍,但后者造成更多死亡。最引人注目的是我们能够降低这些数字的能力:如果人们不吸烟,则可以避免女性的所有肺癌中80%(男性90%)。吸烟者的可能性是15至30倍get or die from lung cancer根据疾病控制与预防中心的说法,比非吸烟者。家族史也发挥了作用。

Other factors that increase lung cancer risk include exposure to:

  • Secondhand smoke
  • ra
  • 石棉
  • 砷(吸入或饮用水)
  • 柴油排气
  • 空气污染


Radon can be a problem in your home如果能够渗入墙壁或地板上的裂缝。东北,阿巴拉契亚南部,中西部和北部平原的房屋往往具有更高的ra层,但任何房屋都可能受到影响。检查环境保护局的ra信息页面查看您是否住在高级骑士区,并了解如何测试房屋。


Colon and rectal cancers占所有癌症病例的8%和8%的女性癌症死亡。女性患结肠或直肠癌的几率是24分之一。


  • 个人或家族史结直肠癌或息肉
  • 患有炎症性肠病,包括溃疡性结肠炎或者Crohn’s disease
  • 不活动
  • 抽烟
  • 大量饮酒
  • 饮食高红色或加工肉或水果和蔬菜的饮食
  • 超重或肥胖
  • 2型糖尿病
  • 成为非裔美国人或阿什肯纳兹犹太人(东欧血统的犹太人)


多个研究还表明获得足够的钙- 通过饮食或补充剂,与降低结直肠癌的风险有关。




子宫癌(也称为子宫内膜癌)是子宫内膜的癌症 - 子宫内膜 - 它是最常见的癌症类型that affects the female reproductive organs, making it more common than宫颈癌或者卵巢癌。与宫颈癌不同,它是不是妇科癌症之一由HPV引起

激素变化,特别是与雌激素有关的变化,在您的子宫癌的风险; as with breast cancer, uterine cancer can feed on estrogen. Some things that can affect hormone levels and increase uterine cancer risk include: taking estrogen after menopause,避孕药, a higher number of menstrual cycles (over a lifetime), past or present use oftamoxifen对于乳腺癌,从不怀孕,肥胖,患有某些卵巢肿瘤或多囊卵巢综合征


  • 高脂或高热量饮食
  • 年龄
  • 糖尿病
  • A family history of uterine cancer or colon cancer
  • 乳腺癌或卵巢癌的个人病史
  • Endometrial hyperplasia,子宫衬里的增厚

Use of a nonhormonal intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control has been linked to a lower risk of uterine cancer.


甲状腺癌is expected to account for 5 percent of all cancer cases and 3 percent of all deaths in 2017. A woman’s odds of getting甲状腺cancer are 1 in 57.



  • Being female
  • 年龄(女性经常被诊断出40多岁或50多岁)
  • Some genetic mutations, like the RET gene (血液检查can determine if you have this gene, which you may have if you have a family history of medullary thyroid cancer)
  • 甲状腺癌,其他甲状腺癌,家族性腺瘤性息肉病,Cowden疾病或Carney Complex I型的家族史
  • A diet low in iodine
  • 暴露于辐射
