理解和管理睡病beo play官网

9个生活方式技巧,可以帮助您管理睡眠症状beo play官网

While medications can help you manage narcolepsy symptoms, lifestyle changes can also play an important role.

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睡眠障碍是一种睡眠障碍,会干扰大脑如何控制睡眠效果周期。它触发症状,例如excessive daytime sleepiness;脱氧(突然的肌肉无力通常是由强烈的情绪引起的,例如惊喜或笑);和睡眠瘫痪或入睡或醒来时的幻觉。

Symptoms can vary from one person to another and, in some cases, worsen over time. For example, one person may experience excessive sleepiness during the day and no other symptoms, while another may have several daily episodes of complete loss of muscle tone and falling down.

Depending on how severe your symptoms are, narcolepsy can impact your physiological, emotional, cognitive, and psychological health. It can have a negative impact on your quality of life, impede your performance at school or work, and even affect your relationships.

但是,有了正确的治疗方法,其中可能包括治疗您的嗜睡,瘫痪和其他症状以及一些生活方式调整的药物,您可以像其他任何其他慢性健康状况一样管理睡眠。beo play官网从这些策略开始。



woman napping on couch

午睡可能是管理过度白天嗜睡的最有效方法之一。beo play官网医学博士罗纳德·切尔文(Ronald Chervin), a neurologist, the director of the Michigan Medicinebepaly开户注册 中心在安阿伯(Ann Arbor)和美国睡眠医学学会前任主席。“这是将睡病与其他常见的嗜睡原因区分开的一件事obstructive sleep apnea,” Chervin博士解释说。“如果你有阻塞性sleep apnea和you take a 20-minute nap or an hour nap, it doesn’t matter. You’ll wake up and say, ‘It didn’t help. I feel as sleepy as I did before.’ Whereas in narcolepsy, you wake up feeling refreshed.”

对于许多人来说,在上午和/或午后小睡可能是有益的。那些时代与我们所有人都有的昼夜节律相吻合,但在患有睡病的人中被夸大了。苏珊娜·史蒂文斯(Suzanne Stevens),医学博士,堪萨斯大学医学中心神经病学临床助理教授。

If you get sleepy around noon, schedule a short nap at 11:30, suggests Chervin. If you can’t take medication — if, say, you don’t tolerate it well or you’re pregnant — taking one or two naps a day can be a very helpful treatment option, says Chervin.

“Sometimes people will do what’s called a coffee nap, where they’ll take either caffeine or a stimulant medicine before they take the nap so that when they wake up in 20 to 30 minutes, the stimulant has kicked in,” says Dr. Stevens. She also recommends taking the nap in a quiet, dark place with a locked door if possible.

最后,尝试使您的小睡保持30分钟或更短的时间。“如果您的午睡持续时间超过30至45分钟,那么您可以开始进入非常深的睡眠,当您醒来时您可能会昏昏欲睡。”马里兰州拉曼·马尔霍特拉(Raman Malhotra),圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院神经病学副教授。

如果您在家外工作,并且需要有关如何与雇主谈谈设置时间和地点以进行睡病管理午睡的建议,请beo play官网睡病网络has detailed information and suggestions for how to navigate asking for workplace accommodations.


Set Up Good Sleep Habits and Routines

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Having a good daily routine to optimize sleep is key to getting better sleep at night. “Good sleep habits are critical,” says Chervin. For instance, he suggests going to bed and waking up around the same time each day to make sure you get enough sleep.

这是其他一些健康的睡眠习惯,可能对people with narcolepsy

  • Keep your room at optimum temperature.根据国家睡眠基金会(NSF),理想温度约为65度F,尽管它可能会根据个人喜好而有所不同。
  • 确保您的房间很黑。根据NSF的说法,光会破坏您的昼夜节律。尝试一些黑色阴影或睡眠面膜,以防止光线干扰您的睡眠。
  • 在睡前至少30分钟之前关闭电子设备。手机,电视和计算机可能会使您的大脑难以放松。他们发出的光可以抑制自然产生melatonin在您的体内,难以入睡。
  • 避免进食离睡觉太近。根据NSF的说法,如果您的身体仍在消化,您可能会很难入睡。避免深夜进食,并避免辣味或高脂食品。


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Talk to your supervisor or teacher about ways you can limit the duration of work shifts or classes. People with narcolepsy may become fatigued more easily, so having more breaks or shortening activity time may be helpful, says Dr. Malhotra. For instance, he says, if you normally work 10-hour shifts, you may need to change your schedule to 6- or 8-hour shifts, depending on how severe your condition is. Taking breaks and naps can also be helpful.





史蒂文斯说:“运动有助于睡眠良好,因为您白天越活跃,夜间睡眠越好。”如果您发挥自己的努力并度过忙碌的一天,那么晚上您比整天都在沙发上睡得更好。她补充说:“当您不活跃时,您就会出现和出现机警,这确实使昼夜节律弄乱了。”“Your body just can’t figure out when it’s supposed to be awake and when it’s supposed to be asleep, so the more things you can do during the day to tell your body it’s supposed to be awake, the better your daytime functioning is — and, therefore, the better the nighttime sleep.”

It can also help to work out outdoors. “There are certain triggers that tell our brain it’s time to be awake, and one of them is light,” says Stevens. “Try to get sunlight outside, or at least open your curtains to get some natural light.”

Another reason to work out regularly: It can help prevent weight gain, which is a high risk for people with narcolepsy.


Keep Track of What You Eat and When


“Certain foods will make people more sleepy than others, but it seems to be somewhat personal,” says Malhotra.





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根据NSF,吸烟与睡眠问题有关,包括insomnia和零散的睡眠,与发肠炎的常见。暴露也是如此secondhand smoke


Avoid Caffeine or Alcohol Close to Bedtime

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While you may turn to caffeinated beverages, such as coffee or tea, to give you a jolt of energy when you’re feeling sleepy, it’s best to avoid drinking it later in the evening. Caffeine is a stimulant that can prevent you from falling asleep at night, explains Stevens.

Conversely, don’t drink alcohol to help with your sleep. “Alcohol can help you fall asleep, but only for a couple of hours,” says Stevens. “Then it disrupts the last half of sleep.”






Explain Narcolepsy to Your Friends, Family, and — When Appropriate and Necessary — Your Supervisor and Coworkers

father talking to daughters on couch

Narcolepsy is an underdiagnosed and frequently misunderstood sleep disorder. To get the support you need, the NSF suggests explaining to your loved ones and colleagues that narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that disrupts your sleep-wake cycles, not a condition that makes you need more sleep. You can also explain that narcolepsy can often be managed successfully with medication and lifestyle adjustments. This will help them understand what the condition is, how it can affect you, and what they can do to help you manage it.