How What You Eat Affects How You Sleep


Medically Reviewed
Studies have linked tart cherries and kiwis with improved sleep, but have yet to show why the fruits may help. Everyday Health


But is there enough scientific evidence for doctors to make recommendations about what to eat to promotebepaly开户注册 ?

“那里有一些可靠的研究,研究了与睡眠有关的各种食物。”Marie-Pierre St-Onge,博士,纽约市哥伦比亚大学欧文医学中心的营养医学副教授,其研究重点是睡眠,饮食和心脏代谢疾病之间的关系。

Along with some specific foods, there’s also evidence that certain diets or eating patterns may also help promote sleep.


Yes, the foods you eat all day long can come to bear on quality and quantity of your sleep. Here are the foods that can help you get better sleep (and the ones that can get in the way of it), according to Marie-Pierre St-Onge, PhD, associate professor


For example, there’s data showing that both kiwis andtart cherries are linked to sleep improvements

People who, for four weeks, ate two kiwis approximately one hour before bed fell asleep 14 minutes faster and slept 40 minutes longer than people who did not eat any kiwis, according to a过去的研究from Taiwan.过去的另一个研究,这是来自英国的那个,发现每天两次喝了8盎司的蛋cherry汁 - 醒来后30分钟,晚餐前30分钟,比喝了安慰剂樱桃饮料的人睡得更长,更“有效”。

什么可以解释这些食物的睡眠益处?St-onge博士说kiwi和tart cherries contain褪黑激素。褪黑激素是人体自然产生的激素,有助于调节睡眠效果周期。它也可以在一些食物(以及补充剂)中发现。

Increasing melatonin levels at certain times of the day by way of eating melatonin-rich foods可以have a beneficial effect on sleep, St-Onge says — though she’s quick to add that more research is needed. (Neither of the studies assessed whether people’s melatonin levels actually changed after eating the kiwis or drinking the tart cherry juice.)


Some of St-Onge’s own research, such as astudy published in September 2016 inAdvances in Nutrition,发现证据表明其他含褪黑激素的食物也可能促进睡眠。其中包括各种类型的乳制品 - 包括夜间挤奶的牛奶,当时牛奶的褪黑激素含量可能会升高。她说,但她再次说,需要更多的研究来确定食用富含褪黑激素的食物会影响睡眠。


Are Certain Diets Good for Sleep?

Astudy published in May 2019 the journal营养found links between a Mediterranean-style diet and improved sleep. The higher a person scored on a test designed to measure their adherence to地中海饮食该研究发现,他们的整体睡眠质量越大。

RELATED:Light Sleep vs. Heavy Sleep, Explained

如您现在所知,地中海饮食被宽松地定义为一种高植物食品,例如蔬菜,水果,豆类和种子,以及鱼类,全谷物,全谷物,olive oil,乳制品,酒精摄入量低。它还倾向于避开红肉和精制碳水化合物。

St-Onge has also conducted research on the Mediterranean diet and sleep, including a研究于2018年11月发表Sleep。In that study, she analyzed diet and sleep data collected from more than 2,000 individuals. “We found greater adherence to Mediterranean diet was associated with reduced risk of short sleep andinsomnia symptoms,“ 她说。


她再次说,需要更多的研究来逗弄这些饮食元素如何提高睡眠质量。但是,在所有饮食中,地中海饮食可以说是一种与阳性健康结果和疾病低的饮食联系在一起的。而且,因为我们知道饮食不佳会以导致肥胖,糖尿病和其他健康问题的方式失调人体 - 所有这些问题也以各种方式与睡眠不佳联系在一起 - 健康饮食可能有助于促进健康睡眠良好。


A number of studies have linked poor sleep with increased cravings for junk foods. Astudy published in March 2019 in the journal营养, for example, found that cutting women’s sleep time by 33 percent increased their hunger, food cravings, and portion sizes while eating the next day.


“我们非常清楚,睡眠不足会影响食物的偏好,” St-Onge说,从研究表明,当我们在限制性睡眠情况下观察人们的行为时,就会发生这种情况,从而研究对睡眠不足的人的大脑活动的研究。

St-Onge还在这一领域进行了工作。在一个her studies, she explains how the parts of the brain that help control hunger and willpower were more active after a night of good sleep, while the reward centers of the brain that respond to food we find pleasurable were more active after a poor night of sleep. And food choices were affected by sleep, too. When people were deprived of sleep, she says: “They ate more fat and饱和脂肪, and they found these foods more pleasurable.” In other words, the brain seems to be more susceptible to food-based temptations when fatigued.

She points out that other studies have linked a lack of sleep to higher intakes of fat (according to a研究于2016年11月发表在Clinical Journal of Nutrition)和碳水化合物(根据study published in February 2017 in the journalSleep) - 并且由于睡眠不足而导致一些与饥饿相关的激素升高或下降,这可能有助于解释这些影响。

So, what to make of all this? Clearly, there are ties between what a person eats and how he or she sleeps. And St-Onge says this relationship likely works in both directions — meaning sleep affects a person’s food choices, and a person’s food choices affect sleep. But as of today, it’s difficult to say just what (or how) a person should eat to improve their sleep.

“我认为这一领域还处于起步阶段,” St-Onge说。坚持健康,富含植物性的饮食似乎是增强睡眠质量的好方法。但是,在细节方面,仍然有很多未知数。
