Can a Supplement Protect Me Against COVID-19?

Doctors say there’s limited evidence on how supplements may or may not affect the spread of the coronavirus and the resulting disease. Here’s what we know right now.

专家说,补充剂在其他病毒感染方面可能会影响症状的严重程度 - 与Covid-19一样,还没有人知道。 iStock(2)


When it comes to the new coronavirus, the data is still too sparse to answer definitely how or whether one supplement or another might help the immune system fight off the virus.

What microbiologists who study the immune system do know about our body’s defenses is that ramping up our immune system to be on “high alert” or globally boosting it to fight off every and any germ out there is actually a flawed concept, saysMichael N. Starnbach, PhD,波士顿哈佛医学院的微生物学教授。

The immune system is designed to recognize things that are foreign in our body and clear those foreign things out, but those cells and responses are finely tuned, says Dr. Starnbach. “If the immune system were too active, it would attack our own tissues, which can happen in some自身免疫性疾病,例如类风湿关节炎和克罗恩病,“ 他说。




记录02/04/21。哪些食物可以帮助支持免疫系统?在增强免疫力方面,某些饮食比其他饮食更好吗?日常健康高级编辑梅琳达·卡斯滕森(Melinda Carstensen)与科学传播总监Megan Meyer博士讨论

一种研究于2021年4月发表在《杂志》上BMJ营养,预防与健康是第一个有关补充使用和COVID-19的大型数据。这项研究包括来自来自多个国家的445,000人通过应用程序自我报告信息的数据,发现经常使用多种维生素,益生菌, omega-3 fatty acids, and维生素D补充剂were associated with a lower risk of2019冠状病毒病感染in women. On the other hand, use of维生素C, zinc, and garlic supplements were not associated with a lower risk of COVID-19.


一种dditional, more tightly controlled clinical trial data (instead of this observational data) is needed before researchers would be able to conclude with certainty if any of these supplements might help protect people against COVID-19. There are also two clinical trials underway (one led by英国科学家另一个由法国队), looking at维生素D和its potentially protective effect.

Other, older evidence suggests some vitamins and supplements may reduce the likelihood of getting sick from a respiratory virus or reduce the amount of time a person is sick with a virus, especially if a person is deficient in some way, according to医学博士Tod Cooperman,ConsumerLab.com的总裁兼创始人,旨在帮助消费者和医疗保健专业人员确定最佳健康和营养产品的独立测试结果和信息的提供商。同样,我们不知道我们有证据的维生素和补品是否会对新型冠状病毒产生相同的影响。

“Right now, if you’re concerned about catching the coronavirus or any other virus, taking a basicmultivitaminevery day is a safe way to potentially ensure you’re not deficient in any area [of basic vitamins/minerals],” says Dr. Cooperman. “Eating well, getting good sleep, and exercising will also help keep you as healthy as possible and keep your immune system strong,” he says.





The available evidence suggests certain supplements may help when it comes to reducing infection or the duration of illness in general, saysYufang Lin, MD,俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所的综合医学医生。但是几乎没有证据表明补充剂首先可以保护您免受病原体的侵害。而且没有证据表明任何补充是银弹,它将提高您对任何威胁的免疫反应。


一种nd remember, the novel coronavirus is an entirely新的威胁。林博士说,目前还没有关于特定的维生素或补充剂如何或不会阻止它的强大数据。(这里引用的大多数研究都研究了补充剂如何与其他类型的病毒相对。)“我们真的不知道他们是否会提供支持在与Covid-19(新型冠状病毒传播的疾病)作斗争中的支持,”她说。


ElderberrySome data suggests that接骨木浆果林说(以茶,lozenges,软糖或药丸的形式服用)可以减少流感病毒的产生,并帮助人们更快地从流感中康复。一种研究于2019年3月发表在功能食品杂志发现来自接骨木浆果的化合物可以抑制该病毒在人类细胞中的进入和复制,并有助于增强人对病毒的免疫反应。林说,没有真正的感冒和接骨木浆果的数据。


does have some data suggesting it cansupport your immune system林说,这可能有助于您更快地抵抗普通感冒的感染。一种荟萃分析发表在杂志上JRSM开放2017年5月发现证据表明锌锌可以使普通冷的持续时间缩短30%以上。研究结果建议烤烤饼不含柠檬酸或柠檬酸盐。她补充说:“ [这是一种方法],您可以考虑在感染的头几天内服用。”



还值得注意的是National Institutes of Health目前建议不要在推荐的津贴(对于成年人中,每天8毫克]女性和11毫克的男性使用锌补充剂来防止Covid-19。

有关的:The Best Food Sources of Zinc

Vitamin C林注意与感冒的一些好处有关。(普通感冒可能是由一种冠状病毒引起的。)29个试验的荟萃分析,包括11,306人,研究了如何每天至少服用200毫克(mg)维生素Caffected risk and management of colds. The study, published in系统评论的Cochrane数据库,发现维生素C并没有降低成人感冒的发病率,但确实使感冒的持续时间缩短了8%。在科克伦分析中的一系列研究中,观察了马拉松运动员,滑雪者和军队在非常寒冷的条件下进行重大运动,并发现每天至少有200毫克维生素C的补充剂似乎将感冒的风险降低了50百分。

Lin建议旨在获得每天需要的维生素C,并专注于从食物来源而不是补充剂中获取维生素C。她说:“我鼓励吃富含维生素C –富含维生素的蔬菜,以提高您的维生素C水平。”根据该公司的建议,成人的建议每日维生素C每天为75至90 mg。National Institutes of Health。One orange contains about 75 mg, a green pepper contains about 60 mg, and a half cup of Brussels sprouts has almost 50 mg.

Taking very large doses of vitamin C isn’t recommended; once doses go above 400 mg, vitamin C is just excreted in the urine, according to the哈佛健康信


Vitamin D根据库珀曼的说法,对于维持强大的免疫系统很重要。低水平的维生素D与经常感冒有关,并且influenza, according to theNational Institutes of Health。库珀曼说,因为我们从阳光中获得了很多维生素D,所以许多人看到他们在冬季的水平下降。如果您决定服用补充剂,他建议使用600至800 IU或15至20微克。但是请记住,在开始补充补充剂之前,请与您的医生联系以确保对您来说是一个好主意,并检查它不会干扰您可能服用的其他药物或其他健康需求。

一种杂志上发表的前瞻性试验的荟萃分析BMJin 2017发现在研究开始时,维生素D缺乏维生素D的人将维生素D减少了42%。注意:剂量很重要。根据BMJ报告,每天服用300 IU和4,000 IU的D3剂量比服用大量每月剂量更有效。

在一项随机的双盲安慰剂试验中,有5,110名维生素D缺乏的老年人(2019年8月发表在《杂志》上临床传染病),数据再次表明,大剂量可能对预防呼吸道感染不利。在研究开始时,参与者获得了200,000 IU,随后每月为100,000 IU,平均随访为1。6年。研究人员发现,与安慰剂相比,急性呼吸道感染的数量没有减少。

鉴于维生素D与呼吸道感染之间的联系,研究人员目前正在研究是否与COVID-19结果有联系。芝加哥西北大学的一个小组收集了人口级数据,该数据表明来自已知水平较高的国家的人维生素D缺乏根据一个与新病毒有关的死亡率较高。2020年5月新闻稿。根据另一位,爱尔兰的一群研究人员进行了类似的分析并得出了相同的结论。press release in May

It’s worth noting that neither group’s data has yet been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. And the findings only identify a potential relationship between vitamin D levels and COVID-19 outcomes in groups of people (neither group looked at an individual’s vitamin D levels and connected it to his or her COVID-19 outcome). Additional research in randomized controlled trials that track individuals’ vitamin D levels and how they specifically fare with COVID-19 will need to be done to more conclusively prove the role vitamin D, and specifically vitamin D supplement intake, plays in response to the virus.

What the collective evidence points to is that being deficient in vitamin D may hamper immune function and your body’s ability to protect itself against COVID-19. If you’re not deficient, vitamin D supplementation won’t really provide a lot of additional benefit, but if you are deficient, taking the supplement (or increasing dietary intake and healthy sun exposure) can strengthen immunity, says Cooperman.


Turmeric虽然有一些证据姜黄可能会产生一些健康益处, including help with高胆固醇beo play官网林说,管理,葡萄糖控制和消化问题,没有具体的证据表明它可以帮助抗病毒。但是,有证据表明,姜黄(姜黄素)中的一种活性化合物确实以某种方式对免疫功能作用,尽管这些作用如何或可能无法使健康受益,但仍不清楚。评论发表在临床免疫学杂志