
Joint pain is a common complaint of hypothyroidism. But these exercises and lifestyle changes can help you ease the stress on those joints.

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Could there be a connection between hypothyroidism and your joint pain? Yes — but certain activities and therapies may help ease the pain.

Your thyroid gland secretes hormones that control metabolism, the body's way of converting the food you eat into fuel, according to你和你的荷尔蒙,内分泌学会的教育资源。People with hypothyroidism甲状腺活跃不足,这意味着那些代谢控制激素的较少活动注意梅奥诊所。“任何以燃烧能量的方式干扰都会影响肌肉的感觉。”R. Mack Harrell,医学博士,,,,medical and imaging director at the Memorial Center for Integrative Endocrine Surgery at Memorial Healthcare System in Hollywood, Florida.


患有晚期甲状腺功能减退症的人可能会发现液体会随着新陈代谢的减速而在关节中构建,这会导致肿胀,梅奥诊所指出,会导致疼痛。同样,甲状腺功能低下的人通常会发生关节疼痛,这使得确保您的问题更为重要beo play官网thyroid hormone剂量是最佳的。




a woman using a laptop

根据梅奥诊所的说法,甲状腺功能减退症最常见的是,当您的免疫系统将甲状腺误认为敌人并干扰其制造适当量的甲状腺激素的能力时。相似地,类风湿关节炎(RA)causes your immune system to go off-track — your body attacks your joints and connective tissue, causing them to swell and be painful,注意NHS

医生不确定为什么,但是如果您患有这些自身免疫性疾病,那么您更容易受到另一方的影响。past research。很难判断一个或两个都会导致您的关节疼痛。哈雷尔博士说:“我们可以通过适当剂量的激素来修复甲状腺功能减退症。”和不同的可用于RA的治疗。Either way, finding the cause and a proper treatment for your pain is the first step to feeling better.




锻炼对每个人的健康都很重要,但是甲状腺功能减退症的人可能无法忍受高强度的运动。经过一年的治疗甲状腺激素,,,,individuals inone small, past study无法通过激烈的锻炼来动力。另一个小的观察研究,于2015年12月出版医学与健康科学档案,发现甲状腺功能减退症的男性受到控制的甲状腺功能更好,运动后体重减轻。简而言之,无论您的甲状腺水平如何受到控制,您可能会或可能无法处理坚硬的汗水。

因此,最好在开始低强度锻炼之前与您的医疗团队合作。Lynn Grieger,RDN,CDE,位于德克萨斯州普莱诺的认证私人教练。对于甲状腺功能减退症的客户,格里格(Grieger)建议开始缓慢并逐步添加aerobic exercise,例如步行,骑自行车或在游泳池里游泳,因为这些练习被认为是低影响的,并且会在关节上轻松。

至于频率,她指出了她的客户the federal physical activity guidelines for adults,每周至少需要150分钟的中等强度或75分钟的有氧运动体育锻炼,理想情况下每天分布。“These guidelines include recommendations for people with chronic illness, such as hypothyroidism, that basically encourage each person to do the type and amount of physical activity that they are able to do, even if it doesn’t meet the recommended amounts,” Grieger says. “Simply put, some exercise is preferable to no exercise.”

有关的:运动如何帮助您管理甲状腺功能减退症beo play官网




同样重要的是strength trainingbecause stronger muscles also directly help protect nearby joints, not to mention improve your balance, control your weight, and maintain bone strength,注意梅奥诊所

For example, strengthening exercises, such as squats, lunges, and leg lifts, develop the muscles that support the knees. If you’re new to this type of exercise, start slow with 15 repetitions of each move, says Igor Klibanov, founder of Fitness Solutions Plus and author ofUnlimited Progress: How You Can Unlock Your Body's Potential。这n build up to three sets of 15 reps each.





"Sleep is the time for muscles and joints to recover," Klibanov says. "If you're not sleeping well, you're not recovering as fast as you could be." What's more, when you're sleep deprived, changes in hormones that control hunger and fullness — leptin and ghrelin, respectively — can lead you to overeat and cause weight gain, according to anarticle published in the journalEnvironmental Health Perspectives哈佛健康出版指出那extra weight can add stress to your joints, triggering or exacerbating joint pain. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night, the国家睡眠基金会推荐

有关的:A Guide to Sleep Apnea and Other Sleep Disorders




As mentioned, being overweight can worsen joint pain. So making sure your diet is in tip-top shape is an important part of your甲状腺功能减退症管理beo play官网计划。对于甲状腺功能减退症或任何自身免疫性疾病的人来说,依靠对抗炎症的食物尤其至关重要。评论于2013年12月发表在International Journal of Molecular Sciences

最好与注册营养师合作以建立健康甲状腺功能减退症,,,,but营养与饮食学院注释antioxidants- 有助于抵抗炎症的物质 - 有多种形式维生素C-rich草莓和citrus; high–维生素E。foods, like nuts and seeds; and carotenoid sources, such assweet potatoesbroccoli

但是请注意,在服用甲状腺药物时,可能需要避免使用一些抗炎食品,包括核桃。cautions the Mayo Clinic




“瑜伽有助于保持平衡,姿势对准和增加的肌肉力量 - 所有这些都会减轻关节的压力,” MPH Amy Eberhardt说,NYU Langone Health’s Integrative Health Servicesin New York City. “Yoga also helps with relaxation and stress reduction, which helps us let go of clenching and holding tension in the joints, and this can lead to less pain and more flexibility.”

埃伯哈特指向review published in the journal北美风湿病诊所,详细研究瑜伽如何帮助缓解关节疼痛。评论指出,通过瑜伽姿势通过增加血液流动来使肌肉温暖,而持有姿势则通过吸引肌肉来增强力量和平衡。根据这些原因,瑜伽也可以帮助防止跌倒。

If you’re new to yoga, know that you have all different types of the practice available to you. A faster-paced hatha or vinyasa class may not be a good fit for you, and if so, that’s okay. “There is a movement now in the yoga world toward adaptive, therapeutic, and restorative yoga, and many options are now available for people who are older or have medical conditions or are differently abled,” Eberhardt says.

If you decide to take a traditional yoga class and are nervous beforehand, talk to the teacher before class begins, Eberhardt says. “If you have an injury or joint pain, let the instructor know so they can adapt the poses for you and help protect you from injury. A good teacher will be receptive and encouraging, and will be happy to offer adaptations and props to support your practice. A good yoga teacher will not push you to do something that doesn’t feel good, and will be supportive if you choose sit out a pose or need to rest.”





Fatigue is one of the most common甲状腺功能减退症,,,,according to Harvard Health Publishing。即使您可能会感到无精打采,保持运动的动力也可以帮助缓解这种感觉,并提高灵活性和缓解关节痛,并指出文章于2012年9月发表在英国药理学杂志。如果您精疲力尽以完成完整的锻炼程序,请将其分解为几次短次比赛 - 即使每天三次完成10分钟也会有效。此外,克里巴诺夫说,在睡前两个小时内进行伸展和放松运动可能会帮助您更好地入睡。



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甲状腺功能减退症等慢性病可能会很大,在某些情况下会导致精神疾病,例如抑郁和焦虑。在一项对100人的研究中,其中70%是女性,有60%的人报告抑郁症状,而大约63%的人显示焦虑的迹象。这研究发表在7月至8月的2016年发行印度内分泌与代谢杂志。Other研究,于2017年2月发表在《杂志》上Chronic Stress,建议慢性应激和慢性疼痛在大脑中紧密相连。

这就是为什么要找到减轻压力的方法,例如练习正念冥想。这种冥想形式教会您如何通过重新注重您的注意力来分散您的注意力,通常是您自己的呼吸。一个小的研究于2018年12月发表在《期刊》上Painsuggested that mindfulness meditation may help reduce sensitivity to pain. You can开始冥想by using a冥想应用程序or a video on YouTube, or you can simply begin by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath for five minutes.

其他报告梅琳达·卡斯滕森(Melinda Carstensen)