

an illustration of a woman using an inhaler“class=

在你的胸部挤压。Acough这似乎并没有清除您的气道。哨子和喘息呼吸。一个哮喘发作can feel different for everyone, but it never stops being scary, no matter how long you've lived with it.

哮喘是导致气道炎症的疾病,使其越来越狭窄,难以呼吸。而救助药物像吸入器can help relieve tension around the airways and make it easier to breathe, it doesn't stop the inflammation, saysJanna Tuck, MD, an allergist and spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. But taking the right steps when you feel symptoms setting in can help you get back to normal faster. Here's what you should do.


步骤#2:正确使用救援吸入器。Surprisingly, most people don't use their inhaler very well, says Tuck. They either position the device incorrectly or inhale their medication too quickly, directing it to the back of their throat instead of the airway. A doctor, nurse, or even a pharmacist can help you to practice and perfect your technique. Adding a spacer, or an open tube that’s placed on the inhaler mouthpiece, can also help you to get more medicine farther into your lungs. You simply connect your inhaler to the spacer, then inhale through the spacer.

Step #3: Get away from the trigger.如果您认为外面的某些东西会导致症状,请去室内。如果您接触过敏原,请洗个澡并从皮肤上洗掉头发。吹鼻子,用盐水冲洗,以清除尽可能多的刺激物。

Step #4: Focus on breathing.塔克说,有些患有哮喘的孩子有呼吸的伙伴,他们鼓励他们放慢呼吸,呼吸鼻子并放松。委托朋友或家人帮助您做同样的事情。尽管没有证据表明瑜伽呼吸或pranayama会减轻攻击,但有些人发现它可以帮助您减轻他们的症状,塔克说。

步骤#5:保持冷静。“Strong emotions can makeasthma symptoms更糟甚至是触发自己。”S. Christy Sadreameli, MD, MHS, a pulmonologist and spokesperson for the American Lung Association. During an asthma attack, "the best thing you can do is sit down and take your medication." Keep in mind it can take 10 to 15 minutes for your medication to kick in, so even if you feel better right away, it's best to wait for the medicine to take its full effect before returning to your activity, Dr. Sadreameli says.


Step #7: Know your asthma action plan.Developed with your healthcare provider, an哮喘行动计划is a personalized strategy that logs what steps you should take when you're doing well (green), when your asthma is getting worse (yellow), or when you need medical attention (red). "We hope people don’t use the red zone that much, but I like them to know about it because it could save a life," explains Sadreameli.

While it's rare for an asthma attack to require a 911 call unless you're sick, making the call could save your life. If your lips or fingernails are turning blue, you're having trouble walking, or you can't speak in complete sentences, even at rest, call or go to the hospital right away. If you haven’t recovered after 15 minutes of using your rescue inhaler, head to the emergency room.